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What is the ideal grip for holding a barbell during a biceps curl?

Overhand grip

Underhand grip

The underhand grip, also known as a supinated grip, is considered the ideal grip for performing a barbell biceps curl because it effectively targets the biceps brachii muscle. When using this grip, the palms of the hands face up towards the body. This positioning allows for a greater range of motion in the exercise, enabling the lifter to fully engage the biceps throughout the curl. The underhand grip also helps to align the forearm and wrist in a way that minimizes strain and maximizes strength, making it easier to lift heavier weights while performing the exercise. Additionally, this grip naturally encourages the lifter to maintain proper form and reduce the risk of using momentum to execute the movement, which is essential for muscle growth and strength development in the biceps. Other grips such as the overhand grip or neutral grip may activate other muscle groups or may not engage the biceps as effectively as the underhand grip does. The mixed grip is primarily used for deadlifts and is not ideal for biceps curls, as it can lead to muscular imbalances and doesn't focus on the biceps as needed in this exercise.

Neutral grip

Mixed grip


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